Saturday, October 17, 2009

A Baby Sweater I Did Not Knit

I must confess that I have made absolutely no progress at all what so ever on Loki's quilt. Ugh. It's sitting in the corner waiting, waiting...

On the other hand the pants/jumper for Astas are almost done. Seam sewing and straps are all that are needed. I'm almost finished with some very cool changes to the super simple stripy baby hat. (These are teasers I know, but "I need more time!")

In the meantime please enjoy my stall tactics and this lovely sweater that our friend Joann knit for Astas. It was like she read my mind. I had just been thinking I wanted to make a cardigan for the babe but had all these other things I had to do.

 Presto! I come home from work and there is this lovely baby cardigan waiting for us!

(not the best photo, but it will have to do. Sorry)

No one has ever knit for me like this before, I love it! The yarn is a great fall/boy color without screaming "boy". It's soft, squishy and monogramed. Yeah!!

I'm now wanting to make one too. We will see if I have time.

(Sorry for the lack of baby in cardigan pictures, he just wouldn't cooperate and I was impatient to get this post up and running)

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